Monday, September 21, 2009


Six specific at home remedies for Poisoning and Fever, which you can use right away to Treat Your Pet At Home

Your pet should get a thorough nose to tail exam once a week. Get comfortable in examining your pet. Your pet should be fine with letting you put your fingers in his mouth or brushing his hair to feel for lumps.

The first thing that you have to be familiar with are ‘normals':

Vital Statistics: Pulse and Heart Rate

Normal resting rates:
Cats: 150-200 bpm
Small dogs: 90-120 bpm
Medium dogs: 70-110 bpm
Large dogs: 60-90 bpm

Pulse should be strong, regular and easy to locate.

Checking the pulse

The easiest place to locate a pulse is the femoral artery in the groin area. Place your fingers on the inside of the hind leg and slide your hand upward until the back of your fingers touches the abdomen. Gently move your fingers back and forth on the inside of the hind leg until you feel the pulsing blood. Count the number of pulses in 15 seconds and multiply that number by 4. This will give you the beats per minute
(bpm). If the pulse is elevated, then you may be dealing with a nervous pet, an underlying metabolic disease, such as hyperthyroidism, or a primary heart problem.
If the pulse is slower and weak, then I look for other signs of shock (i.e. internal
bleeding) or a poison, such as marijuana toxicity.

This is what I would advise in the case of poison:


If your pet is showing signs of ingesting a poison, it is important that she is examined by your veterinarian and treated appropriately. Some toxins can progress and lead to severe seizures. If you suspect Antifreeze poisoning, it must be treated within 4-6 hours, before irreversible kidney damage is done.


In most cases of poisoning, getting your pet to vomit is the most important thing that you can do. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING if something caustic has been consumed (such as drain cleaner or bleach). To induce vomiting, give hydrogen peroxide at 1 teaspoon per 10 lbs of body weight. If your pet does not vomit in 10 minutes, repeat again. NEVER do more than two treatments of peroxide.
You can also try salt: dilute 1 teaspoon of salt in a tablespoon of water per every
10lbs of body weight.


Activated charcoal is readily available at most pharmacies. It delays absorption of any toxin by binding to the toxic compound in the stomach. The easiest way is to give the capsule form. For those garbage-eating dogs (such as my own dog) it is a good idea to have hydrogen peroxide and activated charcoal always on hand.


A normal dog's temperature is 101 F (38.0 C), a normal cat's temperature is 102 F
(38.5 C). Taking your pet's temperature involves placing a thermometer in their
rectum. If your pet has a temperature of 103.5 F (39.5 C) or more, they have a fever.
Thermometer should be almost clean when removed. Abnormalities are indicated by
blood, diarrhea, or black, tarry stool. These are some of the remedies I would use if your pet had a fever:
KEEP THEM HYDRATED. Offer plenty of fresh water in different spots around the house. If your pet refuses to drink, use an eyedropper or turkey baster to squirt water into the side of its mouth. For an added boost, add Pedialyte, an electrolyte solution available from the pharmacy; minerals become depleted when your pet is dehydrated. Some pets prefer chicken or beef broth, or tuna juice; give them whatever works.
CALL YOUR VETERINARIAN. If a fever persists for more than 24 hours, and your
pet is not drinking, then CALL your VET.


A common remedy for fighting fever is Hepar sulph (Hepar sulphuris calcareum); give one 30C tablet every 6 hours for 3 days. Arnica is useful in fighting the aches and pains that go along with fever; give one 30C tablet per 40lbs of body weight every 4-6 hours.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Hi Alex,

Welcome to this issue!

Have you ever wondered if your dog has the same senses as you? The answer just might surprise you! In this issue we are going to address that very question and look at some of the most important senses your dog possesses! Read on for more details!

Just like humans, dogs have different senses. However, they just don’t always use them in the same way and order of preference that we do.

A human’s most valuable sense is his sight. Whereas, a dog finds his sense of smell to be his number one sense. This is actually the reason why dogs and humans work so well together, particularly in crime investigation.

With a man or woman’s ability to use sharp eyesight skills, and a dog’s ability to use precise smelling skills, the two make a very compatible team.

Sense of Smell

A dog truly has a phenomenal sense of smell. It is the most developed of the dog’s senses. A dog’s life is to a large extent guided and conditioned by the scents that he picks up.

A dog’s sense of smell is significantly stronger than a human’s. In fact, the lining inside a dog’s nose has about 200 million receptors, while a human only has about 5 million receptors.

Sense of Hearing

A dog’s sense of hearing is also highly developed and highly sensitive. So developed, in fact, that it can pick up on ultrasonic vibrations—which is something humans cannot do!

A dog’s sense of hearing is so sensitive that a sound a man can barely hear at 13 feet, a dog can hear at 80 feet. This is why a dog makes such a good watch dog—he can hear someone approaching from a greater distance.

A dog can really pick up on how we speak to him too. For example, in training exercises, a dog will respond to our words—not necessary because of the words we use but how we say them.

Sense of Sight

A dog is also known for its keen sense of sight. A puppy that is only a couple weeks old has underdeveloped eye sight as it still has a short focal distance. As he develops and grows, his focal distance increases significantly.

However, it is not necessarily a dog’s sense of eye sight that is so excellent, but rather his ability to detect gestures and movements from a far away location—his sense of motion. For example, a dog might not see an animal hiding in a bush, but as soon as the animal moves, the dog can detect the movement.

Since dogs are so low to the ground, they have a harder time determining three dimensions, but it improves with experience and age.

Sense of Touch

Some dogs are highly sensitive to touch and others are not. Handle your dog according to his degree of sensitivity.

A dog’s head includes vibrissae, which are sensitive hairs around both of his eyes, along his muzzle, and underneath his jaw. Additionally, the remainder of his body consists of sensitive nerves. A dog is most sensitive along the spine and towards the tail. This is one of the reasons why a dog enjoys rolling around in the green grass!

Sense of Taste

A dog likes to chew on things that humans would never consider such as magazines, old shoes, electrical cords, and tree branches! Therefore, we tend to believe that a dog’s sense of taste is not as developed as humans.

A dog’s sense of smell is closely connected with his sense of taste. He can detect the difference between something that is sweet or sour, bitter or salty. There are some foods that dogs like to eat, and other foods that they don’t, however is usually happy with anything he can sink his teeth into!

In our next issue of our newsletter, we will look at some other critical elements related to dog training. Good quality dog training resources can make the process of training your dog much easier. Be sure to review the resource box below for more information about dog training topics and resources.

For more helpful dog training help, please visit our DIY Dog Training Course.

Kind regards, Shandra

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Hi Alex,

Treating Your Allergic Pet at Home

One of the most common reasons that I see dogs and cats in my office is for allergies.

The chronic itching Sucks! It's uncomfortable for your pet and drives some people CRAZY!

Many people have tried so many things... treating for fleas, bathing, supplements, special food... but nothing seems to help.

I first bring em back to the Basics. It's not about the one Magic Bullet, but about systematically ruling out the causes.

First: rule out external parasites by treating for them - for fleas, lice and Mange.

Then do a REAL food trial... a special hypoallergenic food and Nothing Else for 12 weeks. You can make your own and I give you details in my book.

Then look at adding in supplements that will decrease the urge to itch.

  • Essential Fatty Acids.
  • Anti-oxidant Vitamins.
  • Weekly Oatmeal Shampoos.

If you haven't ruled out mange, then get your veterinarian to give the safe topical medication to rule it out now.

Do a proper food trial... Nothing else for 12 weeks!!

Add in a daily fatty acid supplement now!

There are many other options. I give You a HUGE description of every available option that has ever worked for me and my clients in my Home Study course and book.

Here is another testimonial of a satisfied purchaser...

Jonathan Carmichael's dog Argus developed red sores and constant itching. His former veterinarian prescribed steroids. Unhappy with the side effects, he chose to take his pet off medication, but the allergies returned.

Then after purchasing "Veterinary Secrets Revealed" Mr. Carmichael had this to report:

"I was enthralled to see the large number of safe, natural and effective at home remedies for treating my dog's allergies.
Dr. Jones guided me step by step in what to use, and with a combination of supplements including a common Vitamin, Argus stopped scratching WITHOUT the use of the veterinary medication (prednisone). I can't Thank You enough!"

Jonathan Carmichael, Bedford NS

Do You know What to do in an EMERGENCY?

It's gotta be every pet owner's nightmare.

They are going for an enjoyable stroll while their dog froliks with his buddies at the dog walk.

Max races to beat Shorty for the ball... Max inhales the ball.

He gasps for air.... while he's struggling to breath, you run over to him, then he drops.

What would YOU do??

I can imagine what you're all thinking... Just reach inside his mouth and remove the ball. SIMPLE...?

Not So Easy.
First, it's difficult to get your hand deep to the back of the throat, especially in a small dog.

Second, I have seen many balls wedged so far back in the throat, that NOBODY can use their hand to remove them.

The clock is TICKING... YOU'VE got to act FAST.

So Now What?

You could pick him up in Your arms, carry him to your car, and rush to the closest Vet... But You need to go fast, for if you don't get there in 2 minutes, then its TOO LATE.

What would You do with a Choking Person... The Heimlich.

With a Dog: The Heimlich.

  • You Hold him upside down, with his head pointing down and his spine against you.
  • You give repeated sharp thrusts to the abdomen.
  • You lay him down and sweep the throat again for the ball.
  • You repeat this until the ball comes out.

I think that every pet owner should know basic CPR.

If you're like most pet owners and would like to know more about Pet First Aid, then go here and get my new Pet First Aid Manual, "Veterinary Secrets Revealed":

Read this testimonial...

"Dear Dr. Jones,

I have read your book and I am better prepared to handle an emergency with my Dog "Annie". I know how to do CPR on a dog and how to do the Heimlich Maneuver, etc. She is 7 and has arthritis in her left rear leg, probably in the knee. I am going to treat her now with your alternative treatment.
I can't tell you how much I appreciate having this reference book. I recommend it to every pet owner. It's a must have. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you with your "problem" with the association. Thank you.

Alan Schulz, Northbrook, IL USA

It's easy to learn "Veterinary Secrets Revealed" - It literally may Save Your Pet's Life.

It's Your Pet. Learn How to Heal Them At Home!

Best Wishes, Dr Andrew Jones